NATO: Leading Others Through Change

March 12, 2021

by Management Dynamics

Leading Others Through Change

Change is a constant in many of the organisations we work with and their managers struggle to know where to start when it comes to leading their teams through those changes.  The NATO Communications and Information Agency are no exception to the challenges of change and recently asked us to create a one-day programme for their managers to help them navigate change in the organisation.
NATO is a defence organisation made up of 29 nations whose purpose is to guarantee the freedom and security of its members through political and military means.  Its employees are a mix of civilians and military staff on rotation from the member states.  You can imagine the management challenges these circumstances create and the organisation is constantly changing in response to the needs of their stakeholders.

We designed a bespoke one-day programme which covered the following topics:
Neuroscience of Change
We helped participants understand why people respond to change negatively and how our brains work when change is taking place.
The Change Curve
It’s a classic model which we find really helps managers to understand the stages their people are going through in times of change. We like to keep it simple and memorable for participants so that they can focus on how to use it with their teams.
Threats we Perceive
Looking at the threats people perceive during change and how to overcome their fears.
Communicating Through Change
Communication is so often overlooked or poorly managed through change. Managers feel that they should wait until they have something to communicate before talking to their people about the change and this is often when the rumour mill kicks in.
Change Management Process
We taught participants a very useful tool in relation to managing their people through change and enabled them to consider each person within their team and how to tailor their approach to them.
The feedback from the workshop was excellent with participants commenting:
“Effective and loads of plug-in tools and techniques: very positive overall ranking. Thank you for your work!”
“Useful tools to take away and apply.”
“It is really common sense, but the course triggered us to take a look at aspects we do not normally give much thought to, as we are too busy.”
“Extremely good trainer. Engaging, passionate and knowledgeable.”

If you’d like to talk about how we can help your managers lead others through change, get in touch with Jenni at or 0333 305 7635

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